AI Solution

Dellatek is one of  the young and new data centers solution   in the world engineered to specifically cater for advanced process and high performance computing (HPC) deployments, as well as intensive forms of AI and machine learning.All hardware and software fully customized for Digital Money to handle million request per second to avoid delay to get response.

With scalable, state-of-the-art architecture capable of supporting the most sophisticated customer infrastructure demands, and specialist HPC expertise – we’re your ideal home for HPC and AI.Most of our Ai handle by GPU servers.GPU servers help to reduce alot of costs against CPU process.

Technology Road

Our  technology Line  is specifically designed for HPC and GPU-accelerated AI, machine learning and financial grid computing particularly on Digital money. Designed to meet the challenge of high-density applications the technology Pod integrates direct  technologies to deliver economically superior outcomes in terms of power utilisation and energy efficiency resulting in reduced Capex. Offering rack densities of up to 80kW across a smaller data centre footprint,  represents a step-change in HPC infrastructure.


  • Compact architecture incorporating 4-6 racks
  • Utilisation of 80kW per rack / 480kW per Pod
  • Direct dialectic liquid cooling capabilities
  • Housed in a hyperscale-equivalent, highest-grade data centre
  • 100% power and cooling availability guaranteed


  • Future design all HA, cutting edge design for HPC
  • Low TCO provides hyperscale levels of energy efficiency
  • Compact design increases data hall utilisation
  • Bank disaster recovery solution
  • Sustainable - 100% guarantee downtime, renewable energy

Technology Suite

Large and industrial scale HPC customers can also make use of our Technology Suites for requirements of 1100kW or 2300kW. Each format is deployed across either 4,500  sq ft of column free, technical space and supports a variety of high density configurations in a dedicated environment.

Technology Suites provide a highly scalable and industry-leading colocation solution that meets or exceeds the operational efficiency of many existing hyperscale facilities.


  • highest-grade data centre environment only customized for bank process hub.
  • 100% power and cooling availability guaranteed
  • Disaster problem access, slab floor, no columns, 58U racks, etc
  • Carrier neutral with multiple connectivity options.


  • Low TCO solution
  • Fully customisable technical space for HPC and AI
  • Military grade security standards and procedures
  • Remote and smart hands support
  • Sustainable - 100% certified, renewable energy